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1 锦城曲.mp3 1 Ode to the Brocade City.mp3
2 送戴蒙赴成都玉局观将老焉.mp3 2 Seeing off the aging Dai Meng to Yuju Daoist Temple in Chengdu for a sinecure official position.mp3
3 梅二首(其一).mp3 3 Two poems about plum blossoms- No.l.mp3
4 送黄子羽之任四首(其一)成都.mp3 4 Four poems on sending Huang Ziyu to his position (No.3) Chengdu.mp3
5 赋成都景物.mp3 5 Reciting the scenery of Chengdu.mp3
6 下里词送杨使君入蜀(选六首).mp3 6 A vernacular lyric to send Mr Yang to Shu(Six excerpts).mp3
7 登锦城散花楼.mp3 7 Ascending the Flower-Scattering Tower of the Brocade City.mp3
8 绝句三首(其二).mp3 8 Three Quatrains- No.2.mp3
9 经杜甫旧宅.mp3
10 蜀江春晓.mp3 10 Spring dawn on River Shu.mp3
11 成都竹枝词.mp3 11 Bamboo Song of Chengdu.mp3
13 题凤凰山后岩.mp3 13 Admiring the cliff behind the Phoenix Mountain.mp3
14 送冷金笺与兴宗(节录).mp3 14 Sending golden colored notepapers to Xingzong (excerpt).mp3
15 满江红·寄鄂州朱使君寿昌.mp3 15 To the tune of Gleaming Red all over the River-For Governor Zhu Shouchang of the Ezhou Prefecture.mp3
16 剑南盆景.mp3 16 Jiannan bonsai.mp3
17 戏题索桥.mp3 17 A casual poem about a rope bridge.mp3
18 鹤鸣山.mp3 18 The Crane Calling Mountain.mp3
19 黄要叔富贵春.mp3 19 A Prosperous Spring by Huang Yaoshu.mp3
20 筹边楼.mp3 20 Tower of Frontier Preparations.mp3
21 咏法藏寺.mp3 21 Visiting Fazang Temple.mp3
22 宝光寺.mp3 22 Baoguang Temple.mp3
23 题宋蜀本南华真经(选二).mp3 23 Inscription for the Shu edition of the Pure Classics of Nanhua of the Song Dynasty (Two excerpts).mp3
24 朝华词·赞川剧名旦陈碧秀.mp3 24 A Zhaohua Lyric- Admiring Chen Bixiu, a famous Sichuan Opera lead.mp3
25 寄赠薛涛唐诗成品【音乐版】.mp3 25 For Xue the talented poetess.mp3